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Carole Harris: Against the Wall

September 1 – September 30, 2020

Carole Harris:
Against the Wall

September 1 – September 30, 2020

This month-long installation and exhibition celebrates the launch of SPOTLIGHT by Eugenie, a series of window installation activations by invited artists and designers. Eugenie, a contemporary women’s boutique that offers brands and designers that produce apparel and accessories in a sustainable fashion, is scheduled to open in 2021, and has invited Matéria to curate the months of September-November with installations by Detroit-based artists, honoring how their new physical space existed for the past 10 years as a contemporary art gallery. The month of September celebrates the Detroit Month of Design with a presentation of works by artist and designer Carole Harris.


Carole Harris is a fiber artist who has redefined and subverted the basic concepts of quilting to suit her own purposes. She extends the boundaries of traditional quilting by exploring other forms of stitchery, irregular shapes, textures, materials and objects. Carole is captivated by the interplay of hue and pattern, often drawing inspiration from the color, energy, movement, and rhythms of ethnographic textiles she collects, as well as the music of, and changing rhythms and history of the city of Detroit where she lives.

Carole Harris’ work was included in The Sum of Many Parts: 25 Quiltmakers in 21st Century America, which toured China in 2012, where she was a guest lecturer. In 2017 her work was included in Footworks at the Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Etienne in France. Her work has received numerous awards and has been exhibited and published extensively, including a two-person exhibition Repetition, Rhythm, and Vocab with artist Allie McGhee at the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) in 2018, a solo exhibition at the NCRC Rotunda Gallery at the University of Michigan in 2017, and a solo exhibition at The Dennos Museum Center in 2019. Her work was included in the exhibition Landlord Colors: On Art, Economy, and Materiality at the Cranbrook Art Museum in 2019. In 2015 Carole Harris was awarded a Kresge Foundation Visual Arts Fellowship.


While adapting to current health and safety guidelines, viewers can enjoy the art display from the patio in front of Eugenie. Additional works by Carole Harris will also be on view at EDITION, next to Eugenie, for the entire Detroit Month of Design (Sept 1 – Sept 30).

Matéria Gallery

4725 16th Street, Unit C, Detroit MI 48208

©2023 by Matéria Gallery

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